Graylog is a free and open log management platform. Starting in version 2.0.0 and prior to versions 5.1.11 and 5.2.4, arbitrary classes can be loaded and instantiated using a HTTP PUT request to the `/api/system/cluster_config/` endpoint. Graylog's cluster config system uses fully qualified class names as config keys. To validate the existence of the requested class before using them, Graylog loads the class using the class loader. If a user with the appropriate permissions performs the request, arbitrary classes with 1-arg String constructors can be instantiated. This will execute arbitrary code that is run during class instantiation. In the specific use case of ``, the behavior of the internal web-server stack will lead to information exposure by including the entire file content in the response to the REST request. Versions 5.1.11 and 5.2.4 contain a fix for this issue.
Affected Vendors & Products
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Assigner: GitHub_M
Updated: 2024-08-01T23:28:12.872Z
Reserved: 2024-01-31T16:28:17.944Z
Link: CVE-2024-24824

No data.

Status : Modified
Published: 2024-02-07T18:15:55.330
Modified: 2024-11-21T08:59:47.633
Link: CVE-2024-24824

No data.