stereoscope is a go library for processing container images and simulating a squash filesystem. Prior to version 0.0.1, it is possible to craft an OCI tar archive that, when stereoscope attempts to unarchive the contents, will result in writing to paths outside of the unarchive temporary directory. Specifically, use of `` function, the `` struct, or the higher level `` function express this vulnerability. As a workaround, if you are using the OCI archive as input into stereoscope then you can switch to using an OCI layout by unarchiving the tar archive and provide the unarchived directory to stereoscope.
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No history.

Assigner: GitHub_M
Updated: 2024-08-23T16:26:39.050Z
Reserved: 2024-01-25T15:09:40.211Z
Link: CVE-2024-24579

Updated: 2024-08-01T23:19:52.940Z

Status : Modified
Published: 2024-01-31T17:15:40.170
Modified: 2024-11-21T08:59:27.897
Link: CVE-2024-24579

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