Mozilla Firefox before 38.0 on Android does not properly restrict writing URL data to the Android logging system, which allows attackers to obtain sensitive information via a crafted application that has a required permission for reading a log, as demonstrated by the READ_LOGS permission for the mixed-content violation log on Android 4.0 and earlier.

No history.

cve-icon MITRE


Assigner: mozilla


Updated: 2024-08-06T05:24:38.649Z

Reserved: 2015-03-25T00:00:00

Link: CVE-2015-2714

cve-icon Vulnrichment

No data.

cve-icon NVD

Status : Modified

Published: 2015-05-14T10:59:07.133

Modified: 2024-11-21T02:27:54.090

Link: CVE-2015-2714

cve-icon Redhat

No data.