Multiple SQL injection vulnerabilities in Support Incident Tracker (aka SiT!) before 3.64 allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the (1) exc[] parameter to report_marketing.php, (2) selected[] parameter to tasks.php, (3) sites[] parameter to billable_incidents.php, or (4) search_string parameter to search.php. NOTE: some of these details are obtained from third party information.

No history.

cve-icon MITRE


Assigner: mitre


Updated: 2024-09-16T22:30:12.625Z

Reserved: 2012-01-28T00:00:00Z

Link: CVE-2011-5071

cve-icon Vulnrichment

No data.

cve-icon NVD

Status : Modified

Published: 2012-01-29T04:04:44.843

Modified: 2024-11-21T01:33:33.777

Link: CVE-2011-5071

cve-icon Redhat

No data.