SQL injection vulnerability in Aktueldownload Haber script allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via certain vectors related to the HaberDetay.asp and rss.asp components, and the id and kid parameters. NOTE: the provenance of this information is unknown; the details are obtained solely from third party information. NOTE: the combination of the HaberDetay.asp component and the id parameter is already covered by another February 2007 CVE candidate.

No history.

cve-icon MITRE


Assigner: mitre


Updated: 2024-08-07T12:43:22.380Z

Reserved: 2007-02-20T00:00:00

Link: CVE-2007-1016

cve-icon Vulnrichment

No data.

cve-icon NVD

Status : Modified

Published: 2007-02-21T11:28:00.000

Modified: 2024-11-21T00:27:18.183

Link: CVE-2007-1016

cve-icon Redhat

No data.